Meet who?

He Who Bridges Vision with Design.

Throughout my life, I've been captivated by enhancing usability, constantly seeking ways to improve various aspects from branding elements to web interfaces. This fascination transitioned into my professional journey.

Initially diving into information technology in India, my curiosity leaned towards the visual aspect. Self-taught in web and graphic design, I gained certification as a Visual Design Specialist by Adobe. Freelancing introduced me to the business side, prompting a move to Canada for further education in business analysis. Exploring user research and the link between digital products and business success expanded my design perspective. I realized my design passion stemmed from the logic beneath it. My pursuit of design thinking grew, leading me to a startup where I embraced UX design certification. This taught me the essence of user-centric design and visual communication for successful digital products.

Specializing in visual identity systems and UX design, I aim to create visually appealing and user-friendly digital products. My passion lies in assisting businesses in crafting robust brand identities, websites and elevating user experiences across their digital platforms.





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